A boutique law firm focused on litigation, taxation, real estate, entertainment and business law.
May 08, 2014
April 01, 2014
Alexander Fisher delivers key note address for the drafting of operating agreements under RULLCA
Feb 15, 2014
Howard Fisher delivers key note address for California's new
LLC law
January 01, 2014
Howard Fisher named Second Vice President of Beverly Hills Bar Assoc.
December 02, 2013
Asset Protection Industry Leaders Present Key Tools, Technologies and Insights To Create A Successful Wealth Protection Plan
Friday, May 8, 2014
Hyatt Regency, Miami FL
The Law Offices of Howard S. Fisher
9401 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1250
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: (310) 553-2000
Fax: (310) 553-0012